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  Netformz Florida Web Design Testimonials

A few words from some of our Netformz Florida Web Design Company's Clients...

arrowVonderheide & Associates
I have been doing business ON the web for about five years now. So I was somewhat familiar with it, but I was very new to having a site of my own and what that would require. I was afraid it would be too difficult a process.

I want to thank you both for all of your assistance in changing that outlook. I searched three different engines, yahoo, google and vivisimo to find a web designer and host and needless to say I have received many responses. I narrowed it down to 4 and began to compare them.

It is amazing how difficult a job this was going to be according to some of the responses. Some were twice the cost and three to four times the length of time to complete.

Mark at Netformz was competent, diligent, and cost efficient. I believe he actually finished my site, in about a week. He addressed any and all of the directions provided by myself and the Boss (my wife) even those that were our error.

I am extremely satisfied with my site, and would recommend my path to anyone who wants to be on the net. Please feel free to have anyone you wish look at my site and contact me if they want a reference of what I went through to make it happen, and why they should use,, and especially Mark Winker.

Thanks again for making this happen for me.

Greg Vonderheide
Vonderheide and Associates

arrowSouth Florida Community College
On behalf of the staff here at South Florida Community College, I would like to thank you for all the help you gave us in updating our existing web site.

Your work ethic was impeccable -- you were available whenever we needed you, always with a "smile" in your voice. You did what you said you were going to do, in the timeframe required, and for an extremely reasonable price. We couldn't have been more pleased with the services provided to us by Netformz.

It was truly a pleasure working with you on this project, and we look forward to working with you on Phase II (when we will work with Netformz to redesign our entire website).

Glenn W. Little
Vice President for Business Affairs

arrowPops Corn™
I can't be more satisfied with how my site turned out and it was even finished before the time frame given."

Lonnie Feldman
Owner, Pops Corn™

Just a note to express the appreciation of our company, You far exceeded our expectations in every area. Your design work was characterized by originality, attention to detail, and never failing to meet projected time frames. We found all your work to be performed in a highly professional manner. We feel that our resulting website compares favorably with the majority of sites whose cost far exceeds our charges from Netformz. We especially appreciate your easy accessability and prompt response when problems arise. In an internet world where unreliable and uninspired programmers dominate, Netformz is truly an excellent exception.

Steve Dinerman
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